It’s our favourite month of the year. Who’s joining us for Dry January?
We’re fast approaching that time of year when we resolve to make changes. For many, this will be pledging and going without alcohol next month. Dry January is when people abstain from drinking alcohol for the entire month of January. If this is your plan, you’ll be one of an ever-increasing number taking part in Dry January, as over 6 million people did Dry Jan in 2021, this number is expected to be even higher in 2022. With the pandemic having changed many people’s drinking habits, globally we are all more likely to be mindful of our alcohol intake.

So what’s the reason for this yearly challenge?
Well, it’s different for everyone. After a holiday season filled with festive cocktails, champagne toasts, and plenty of parties, you might be thinking about taking a short break from drinking. It could be part of your New Year's resolution to live a healthier lifestyle, or maybe you just want a chance to think about the role that alcohol plays in your life.
You don't necessarily have to be seeing negative consequences from drinking in order to decide you want to do Dry January. Maybe you're doing it in solidarity with a friend, or maybe you want to experience some of the health benefits of an alcohol-free month. No matter the reason, you can decide to stop drinking whenever it feels right to you.
Even if you consider yourself an infrequent drinker, taking a break from alcohol for the month of January can be great for your health. Better sleep, improved mood, improved mental clarity, all of which will benefit your mental wellbeing, and of course, if you're sleeping better, you'll feel more rested. You'll also just feel more energized overall. At Drink Dry we’re all about helping you live your best life this January and beyond!

Prepare for success!
Although well-intentioned, we all know New Year’s resolutions are easy to make and easy to break. Fortunately, research from behavioral scientists reveals how we can maximize our chances of success. What’s clear is that preparation is key, after all if you fail to plan then you plan to fail! There are several aspects to consider, some of which should be started now, even before we head into the new year.
Planning should include thinking about what you’ll do in your social situations, or when you would usually have an alcoholic drink in your day-to-day life. Having great alternatives to alcohol on hand is the secret to batting away those feelings of FOMO, and to capture the flavour and satisfaction you might be missing.
A simple but successful action is to remove alcohol from your home bar, and swap for amazing alternatives. This way, when you usually reach for your Gin, instead you’ll find one of our world-class non-alcoholic alternatives such as Sea Arch right there in its place.
So, are you joining us?
It’s important to spread the word and tell your circle that you’re planning to do Dry January. Better still, find some like-minded friends or colleagues to join you. Telling someone and being part of a group improves your chances over a solitary attempt. It is far more fun to discover this new experience with friends or family!